Congress topics

Preliminary timetable

wednesday 5. june

Registration of participants

I. Scientific program

Professional educational activities
14.00 – 19.30

thursday 6. june

Registration of participants 

Professional blocks / workshops
Professional educational activities
Moderated discussions
9.00 – 19.00

friday 7. june

Registration of participants
Professional blocks / workshops
Professional educational activities
Moderated discussions
9.00 – 15.00

saturday 8. june

A monothematically focused workshop
9.00 – 15.00

Speakers that have preliminarily confirmed the participation

Join them and submit your presentation application today. We look forward to meeting

Markku Tuominnen, MD, FIN, IIHF Medical Committee member E.Gonser, Tubingen, GER 
Roman Hunak, MD., kkh Greiz, GER  

MUDr. Andrey Švec, PhD, MPH,  Hlavný odborník MZSR pre oblasť ortopédia, prednosta I.OTK, Bratislava, 

MUDr. Ján Grauzel, Sportclinic, Bratislava

MUDr. Peter Polan, PhD., MPH, prednosta Ortopédia – Klinika muskuloskeletálnej a športovej medicíny, Košice + kolegovia zo športcentra v Košice 

MUDr. Matej Handžák,  Traumatológia, Poprad 

MUDr. Roman FANO, ortopédia Piešťany, predseda Lekárskej komisie Sl.olymp.a šport.výboru SOŠV

MUDr. Vladimír Neuschl + kolegovia – zobrazovacie techniky, Vedecký sekretár Rádiol.spoločnosti, Trnava 

PaedDr. Igor Tóth, PhD.,  FTVŠ, SAV, Bratislava

MUDr. René Jáger, Detská chirurgia a traumatológia, DFNsP, Bratislava 

MUDr. František Sýkora, Detská chirurgia a traumatológia, DFNsP, Bratislava
MUDr. Peter Erdelský , ortopéd,  Fyzioklinik, BA 

MUDr. Peter Klein, MBA, Ortoped s.r.o.,, Prešov

MUDr. Hana Sameková, ortopéd, Bratislava, Ortoped s.r.o.,, Prešov

Mgr. Stanislav Machač, Ph.D., Praha   

doc.MUDr.Miroslav Tichy. CSc., Praha  

Mgr. Andrej Foltýn, Bratislava,
fyzioterapeuti z Národného šport centra , NŠC, Bratislava
RNDr. Miroslav Šifta, Ph.D., UK Praha, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
PhDr. Darina Dányiová, Dis., Manažér pre úsek ošetrovateľstva a kvality zdr.j starostlivosti, SANOM, Bratislava

Mgr. Tomáš Mihalik, PHD., kondičný tréner, health & performance,Bratislava
Hamstring ako nová Achilovka

doc.MUDr. Rastislav Sysák, PhD.UDZS, UK v Bratislave, Lekárska fakulta, I. GP klinika

JUDr. Kučera, advokát , Bratislava

PaedDr. Žaneta Csaderová, PhD., riaditeľka Antidopingovej agentúry SR, Bratislava
Tomáš Pagáč,  Kamila Chomaničová – Antidopingová agentúra SR, Bratislava
JUDr. Humeník, H&H partners, Košice, Bratislava 

MUDr. Boris Bajer, PhD.,  Bratislava 

Adam Truhlář, športový psychológ, Skalica,
Mgr. Michala Bednáriková, psychológ, SOŠV

Martin Smatana, analytik, Bratislava
doc.MUDr. Štefan Laššán, PhD., prednosta kliniky pneumologie v UNBa, Ružinov, Bratislava
MUDr. Adriana Šimková, PhD., Hlavná odborníčka, MZSR pre všeobecné lekárstvo VLD
prof. Pharm. dr. Janko  Kyselovič, PhD., LF UK, V. interná klinika, Jednotka klinického výskumu

Patrik Kmeč, Hilbi s.r.o., Bratislava ,
Ing. Peter Lakomý, AP Rescue, záchranár, Bratislava

Ministerstvo zdravotníctva a Školstva 

Miroslav Lažo – general secretary of the Slovakian ice hockey association SZĽH

Ing. Vladimír Baluška, director of the National Sports Center, NŠC

Roman Buček, športový riaditeľ SOŠV
Danka Barteková, SOŠV, Bratislava


The registration fee includes participation in the professional program, educational and informational materials and a certificate with assigned CME credits, which will be sent to participants electronically after the end of the congress.


Congress participants arrange their own accommodation and therefore it is necessary to contact the hotel directly.

Hotel SENEC****

(venue of the congress)

Senec Lake Resort • Slnečné jazerá – sever • 903 01, Senec Slovak Republic

In the room price is included:
Unlimited access to the hotel’s fitness center
Unlimited entry to the hotel’s water park
Parking in the hotel parking lot
High-speed Internet in the room
+421 220203330

Enter PROMO CODE: ISMC2024 when ordering and you get a 10% discount on accommodation. The promo code can also be used for you in the period before the congress as early as February 2024.

Hotel DOLPHIN****

(distance from the venue 1 min)

Hotel Dolphin • Štefánikova 78 • 903 01, Senec Slovak Republic

In the room price is included:
Unlimited access to the hotel’s fitness center
Unlimited access to the hotel swimming pool
Parking in the hotel parking lot
High-speed Internet in the room
+421 2 20 20 40 40

Enter PROMO CODE: DOLPH2024 when ordering and you get a discounted price on accommodation

More details

Multimedia projector, possibility of two projections, microphone. The lecturer will deliver his lecture no later than 30 minutes before the start of the lecture block at the technician’s table in SVK and ENG language, in case he does not have time to send it in advance. Presentations can be on USB FlashDisk, external USB HDD, CD and DVD discs. For your own presentations, you will have the Logitech presenter available to move individual screens. You can try it when submitting a presentation.

MS PowerPoint 2016 and above (.ppt, .pptx)
Adobe Reader (.pdf)
Self-starting programs for MS Windows 10 and above (.exe)
Video formats – WMV, AVI, MPEG (DivX), DVD (PAL), MP4

Title of the lecture, author, co-author, send exclusively electronically by April 15, 2024 to the address Abstracts can be delivered to the given address by 30.4.2024. When sending presentations and abstracts, please also indicate whether you agree or disagree with the possibility of copying data for congress participants to USB, or delivery of a media version of the presentation. Abstracts with approval for publication will be published on the website and also on the congress website after the end of the congress. The number and scope of active presentations is limited and its approval is the responsibility of the organizer.
You will be able to receive the confirmation of participation on the last day of the congress.

We express our thanks to the companies that have decided to support the organization of the continuation of this important event. The event is intended not only for doctors of various specialties, it also significantly supports the participation of physiotherapists, masseurs, trainers, players, parents of athletes, or representatives of the professional public, who are an integral part of sports activities.
During the entire duration of the congress, there will be an exhibition presentation of companies, including several workshops, in the premises of the SENEC hotel. The number and scope of active presentations and exhibition spaces is limited and its approval is the responsibility of the organizer.

Congress participants arrange their own accommodation.
The partner hotels of the event – Hotel SENEC and Hotel Dolphin – provide agreed discounted accommodation fees for congress participants.

Booking through registration.

Parking is provided free of charge in the premises of the SENEC hotel and in its immediate vicinity.

More info

Mgr. Veronika Tomišová

office manager SAO

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7. - 9. jún 2025

Hotel Senec, Slovensko